What does that mean: I have a gut feeling….
Many online articles stated it’s tapping into your inner instinct- what is your body telling you? Do you have a physiological reaction to something? For example, get goose bumps when thinking of an old friend you haven’t heard from in a long time then they suddenly call you? Or one day do you wake up with the gut feeling to take a different route to work to see your dream house for sale? What about when meeting someone- first impressions- how that person is perceived will make you think “I have a gut feeling…” then fill in the blanks.
This article breaks down why people think the way they do: https://www.inc.com/geil-browning/go-with-your-gut-trusting-your-intuition.html Also, since not every human being is alike, there are 4 categories of “gut feeling thinkers”:
No matter what the situation, that gut feeling will always be with you. It takes practice to really understand how to use properly. This article goes in depth to help realize HOW to say “I have a gut feeling” and then to USE accurately: https://mashable.com/2017/04/25/harnessing-the-power-of-intuition-aka-your-gut/#GNACJBjNRaqM
Now with all that in mind, tapping into that thought “I have a gut feeling” also goes towards real estate. Let’s say you have a property that needs repairs: new roof (minimum $10,000), gut the kitchen (minimum $8,000), move the master bedroom with a bathroom (minimum $10,000), cut down rotted trees (sky is the limit there with charges!), and keep up with the neighborhood standard with the landscaping (again, sky is the limit depending on how much to do)… so this could be astronomical prices and a LOT of time. Back to that thought “I have a gut feeling…” What’s it saying here?
Do you really have the time to devote to finding reliable, licensed, and insured companies to do all this work? If the answer is yes, congratulations, you are a true go-getter!
If that thought “I have a gut feeling” is telling you NO! I don’t have the time, I don’t want to use my funds for projects, and YES I want to move to that dream home I drove by on my way to work, then who should you call to purchase your property? Call Reel Property Solutions, LLC! info@reelpropertysolutionsllc.com or call 507-722-1511 OR 507-218-8788.
Here is how Reel Property Solutions, LLC can help you:
Sometimes that “I have a gut feeling” is there to stir up curiosity. Perchance you are not sure if selling your home is the right choice to do now or later. Feel free to still reach out to Reel Property Solutions, LLC– then you can go with that gut feeling and decide the best choice. Referrals are welcomed, too, so if you know of something else who could use our professional services, Reel Property Solutions, LLC does pay a bonus! Contact us at info@reelpropertysolutionsllc.com or 507-218-8788 . Let us aide you with our motto: Catch a winner!