Here are some factors that Reel Property Solutions, LLC looks at in distressed real estate for sale:
When purchasing a retail home, inspections are required. With Reel Property Solutions, LLC, a home inspection may NOT be required depending on the repairs needed. For example, if the distressed real estate for sale had a caving foundation, this is something that would be very costly to patch and have codes approved for a livable home. This is when the property may be something to knock down, therefore, an inspection would not be needed.
There are many companies that have multiple locations around the world. What if you went to your career company, 123XYZ, Inc. to discover your boss has presented a job promotion! How exciting, right?!?!?! The stipulation is you live in Rochester, Minnesota, but the job promotion is in Dublin, Ireland. Obviously, it’s impossible to commute from your current residence to your new job. The logical explanation would be to sell your house. Another job promotion stipulation is you MUST be in Dublin ready to work in 30 days. At this point, your house is not necessarily deemed distressed real estate for sale because it’s in beautiful working conditions, but due to the motivated seller factors, contact Reel Property Solutions, LLC! Even if your property is not something Reel Property Solutions, LLC can purchase within your timeline, there is a large network of other investors to call upon.
Have you gone to your grandparent’s house and looked around? Have you ever thought about the updates the property needs? Paneling on the walls. Clawfoot bathtub without a shower. Circuit breaker blows out when certain appliances are used together. The list could go on….and so can the repair costs. This property may not necessarily look like physically distressed real estate for sale until you notice some of the outdated materials. Reel Property Solutions, LLC understands from our own family experiences. We are here to help you!
The process of buying a retail home through a real estate agent can be long. An offer is presented, then a counteroffer, then the inspection, then what if the buyer backs out of the transaction, the mortgage company may deny a loan, the closing costs can be very high- need the list go on? A distressed property for sale may not necessarily reflect your home, but Reel Property Solutions, LLC can still assist to make a transaction a smooth process. Reel Property Solutions, LLC understands these factors. As stated above, even if Reel Property Solutions, LLC cannot purchase something on your time frame, there is a large network of other investors to assist. Through our training with Fortune Builders, MANY other investors from all over the United States and Canada can be reached to: wholesale a property, advice, financial assistance, etc.
Contact Reel Property Solutions, LLC at or 507-218-8788.