Jason Fried Books: Tidbits from Rework BLOG PART 2:
Posted by Rochelle Markov // May 15, 2018 // Blog
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In Part 1 of this blog, Jason Fried was introduced who is part owner of Basecamp (formerly 37signals) which is a software company (Now is a great time to read this article https://www.broadbandsearch.net/blog/internet-digital-workplace to see how software and the internet have changed the work place). Beyond that, Google Jason Fried Books to discover he is also an author to Rework– an easy read with short snippets of thought-provoking stories. When reading Rework, excerpts were taken and reflected how Reel Property Solutions, LLC can relate. Now to continue….
- LAUNCH NOW (pages 93-94): Get your idea/business/project up and going ASAP and work out the details as everything unfolds. Reel Property Solutions, LLC was started when it was not a “good” time due to health issues, financial constraints, and our housing situation. However, getting into real estate investing was also a case of “now or never” which is why Reel Property Solutions, LLC was formed and determined to persevere! It was reassuring to read this section in this one of Jason Fried books!
- REASONS TO QUIT (page 100): Sometimes a person gets started with their big adventure to discover things aren’t going well or the target audience is not receptive to the end result. There are days when the thought of “keep going and we’ll be OK!” can be daunting to Reel Property Solutions, LLC. This particular one of Jason Fried books posed several questions to think about REASONS TO QUIT. Here are the answers for Reel Property Solutions, LLC:
- Why are you doing this? There are more options for buyers who want a quality refurbished house; better looking neighborhoods result in better property values; Rochester, MN is a hot market for sellers.
- What problem are you solving? Helping distressed homeowners to get a cash offer for their property so they can move onto better living/non-distressed situations.
- Are you adding value? YES!…By giving distressed homeowner/sellers options to exit the property and the quick funds to do so; better looking properties are more aesthetically pleasing to neighbors.
- Will this change behavior? The intention is to take away or ease homeowner/seller distress.
- Is there an easier way? A cash offer, close on homeowner timeline, and assisting as needed in other ways (perhaps helping with the move for the distressed seller) is much easier than waiting on the buyer’s bank/mortgage approvals, pushing back timelines, and having little to no assistance for other ways.
- What could you be doing instead? If a motivated seller is not interested in the easier way as stated above, then Reel Property Solutions, LLC will move on to a different motivated seller!
- Is it really worth it? ABSOLUTELY! CONTACT REEL PROPERTY SOLUTIONS, LLC TO FIND OUT MORE! info@reelpropertysolutionsll.com or call 507-218-8788 or 507-722-1511.
- MAKE TINY DECISIONS (pages 130-131): Big decisions are hard to follow through; Tiny decisions came be temporary and often times easier to get to the final goal. With the short-term hold time that Reel Property Solutions, LLC has on the houses under renovation, most decisions are considered “tiny”.
In the overall matters of business, the big decisions commonly are the other resources such as who would be the best CPA for the long haul.
- DON’T CONFUSE ENTHUSIASM WITH PRIORITY (page 159): Make sure ideas are valuable and will withstand time with the end goal in mind. This often happens with Reel Property Solutions, LLC when a new network person comes along and talks about what worked for them. Lesson learned is what works great for someone doesn’t necessarily mean that will work for everyone.
- WELCOME OBSCURITY (pages 167-168): Do small test runs before going big to work out kinks and ensure results are OK. This is why remodeling contractors are invited to properties to tour, give thoughts, and final bids before diving into a project.
- OUT-TEACH YOUR COMPETITION (pages 173-174): In this one of many Jason Fried Books, the emphasis is don’t spend lots of money on ads, salespeople, etc. when teaching others can form bonds and a greater appreciation for what the end result is. This is partially why Reel Property Solutions, LLC does blogs for this website. The research involved helps to teach you some “tricks of the trade”!
- MARKETING IS NOT A DEPARTMENT (pages 193-194): Any form of communication is marketing from email with company information to answering the phone to handing out business cards which is all and then some of what Reel Property Solutions, LLC does to promote business.
- DO IT YOURSELF FIRST (pages 201-202): Know your job inside and out then when someone is taught to take over, you will be a better manager, teacher, and have clear expectations. Anytime Bandit Signs are put out, a blog is written, emails are sent, letters mailed- this was all done first by the owners of Reel Property Solutions, LLC. Fortune Builders also stresses this point- if you don’t know how to do something, then watch it all fall apart.
- SKIP THE ROCK STARS (page 253): In this particular of Jason Fried books, the emphasis was focus on creating a great environment for the product/business/idea and then great people will follow suit. Skip the thought of finding people with super strengths- these types are hard to find and this will only lead to failure.
- SOUND LIKE YOU (pages 262-263): Don’t use big, fancy words just to sound bigger than necessary; this will make others feel inadequate or down-talking to them. When Reel Property Solutions, LLC meets with a distressed homeowner, that person is already feeling badly for themselves, so the mission is to address the situation, figure out the best solution, and proceed. No fancy words like execution when transaction sounds friendlier.
Rework by Jason Fried can be found at the Rochester Public Library,
online, or your local bookstore should have more information. As stated earlier, this was an easy read because of the short stories plus the authors did state the purpose of this book was to condense information so maintain reader interest.
Reel Property Solutions, LLC abides by the motto: “CATCH A WINNER!” Contact today to see how you can WIN with us! info@reelpropertysolutionsllc.com or call 507-218-8788.