A Time of Feeling Thankful and Blessed
Posted by Rochelle Markov // November 5, 2017 // Blog
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A time of feeling thankful and blessed is here. Thanksgiving is a National Holiday celebrated every 4th Thursday of November. People have the turkey, pumpkin pie, be with family/friends, and are most likely feeling thankful and blessed for all they have. Here are some “Did you know?” facts about Thanksgiving:
- “The earlier Pilgrims did not wear buckled hats or dress only in black and white. Buckles did not come into fashion until later in the 17th century, and the pilgrims usually saved their formal black and white colors for Sunday”.[11]
- “The turkeys typically depicted in Thanksgiving pictures are not the same as the domestic turkeys most people eat at Thanksgiving. Domestic turkeys usually weigh twice as much and are too large to fly.”[5]
- “The Pilgrim’s thanksgiving feast in 1621 occurred sometime between September 21 and November 1. It lasted three days and included 50 surviving pilgrims and approximately 90 Wampanoag Indians, including Chief Massasoit. Their menu differed from modern Thanksgiving dinners and included berries, shellfish, boiled pumpkin, and deer”.[5]

Reel Property Solutions, LLC is definitely amongst those feeling thankful and blessed! Here are some “Did you know?” reasons regarding why we feel so fortunate:
- We love our Fortune Builders family! For anything real estate investing related, we can go onto the private Facebook group for questions, advice, celebrate, or share how we are improving the quality of local neighborhoods!
- We have formed a vast team within our local market, including, but not limited to: a financial advisor, real estate agent, other investors to network, etc.
- Our financing sources are amazing! We couldn’t proceed with many of the properties without them, especially MDI West at our side!
- The best way to get Reel Property Solutions, LLC noticed is by marketing ourselves… Craigslist, Bandit signs, bus ad, business cards, everyday conversations. We have received countless phone calls from these strategies!

Now the question… how does Reel Property Solutions, LLC celebrate Thanksgiving? First of all, the feeling thankful and blessed is something we cherish daily since our business entity was established one year ago! Our list of Thanksgiving could go on for miles because of those who are part of our team, our clients-past, present and future- and our family and friends who support us! Our Thanksgiving Day celebration will be with family at my childhood church then onto my childhood home.
We would love to talk more about how to help you with your property to lift a worry so you can continue on with life feeling thankful and blessed!
Contact us at:
Happy Thanksgiving from Reel Property Solutions, LLC!